Local Events and Play Groups

Calhoun ISD Play Group
Designed for families with children ages 0 – 5. Monthly sessions are based on children’s books. Along with a story, finger plays, crafts, activities and a snack centered around the book are included.
Each family receives a children’s book to take home. Child development and reading readiness information is also available for parents. No pre-registration required.
Calhoun ISD Infant Toddler Play Group
These groups are designed for families who have children birth through 24 months.
Infant/Toddler Playgroup Guidelines
We are excited to be able to offer a playgroup especially with the younger crowd in mind. These are a bit less structured, and offer activities appropriate and safe for infants and toddlers from birth to 24 months. In order to provide this special time for you and your little one(s), we ask that NO OLDER SIBLINGS attend. If you have older children, we encourage you to attend our birth to five-year-old Play n Learn Literacy groups across the county.

Kydnet has program Finder which is live on their website and provides detailed information on over 40 programs in Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties. Please click on link below to access.

Call 269-660-1606