Family Support
family support and Coaching offers free and low-cost coaching programs for Calhoun area families from pregnancy through the start of kindergarten. Parents are matched with a friendly and experienced coach who provides services such as answering parenting questions, providing prenatal support and helping find services for mothers, families, and children.

Early Head Start
Early Head Start (EHS) provides weekly visits lasting approximately 1.5 hours in your home that focus on enjoying your role as a parent, developing the necessary skills to enhance your child’s development, day to day concerns, and parenting information and support on behavior management. Socialization events are also held twice per month offering fun and educational activities for the enrolled child and their family. This program is year-round and is free for low-income families (according to federal guidelines or special needs), pregnant women and children ages 0-3 years. Early Head Start is run by Child Development Services of Calhoun Area, Inc.
Early On Michigan
Early On Michigan offers early intervention services for infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delay(s) and/or disabilities, and their families. Research has shown that by addressing delays early on – especially between birth and age 3 – we can more effectively impact a child’s development, even into adulthood. Don’t worry. But don’t wait.
If you think that your child’s growth, learning, or social skills are not the same as those of other children the same age, the sooner you check it out the better. Call Early On® Michigan. We’ll talk with you and refer you to an Early On Coordinator close to your home. Your Coordinator can also give you information on things that you can do to help your child grow and learn. We want your child to have a Great Start in life. Call us. We’re here to help.

Maternal Infant Health Program
The Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP) is a FREE program designed to help you- as an expecting mom- and your new baby, receive help and support when you need it most. Monthly visits are scheduled at your convenience in your home or in the community, we can help your baby get the best start possible. Contact Calhoun Area Department of Public Health to learn more.
Topics covered include:
- What to expect during pregnancy
- Tips, and activities to keep your baby’s development on track
- Help with transportation needs
- Assistance with housing, DHHS, food stamps and Medicaid
- Connection to other area resources
- Advice on food choices for you and your baby
Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers (PAT), a service run through Calhoun Area Intermediate School District, partners with families expecting a child or with children up to age five; providing information on child development, community resources, and family support. PAT helps to ensure children are healthy, safe and ready to learn. The program includes one-on-one home visits, monthly group meetings, developmental screening and a resource network for families.