Parent Connection

Connect with Other Parents to Help Improve Your Children’s Lives

Calhoun County is rich with resources for parents and families!

A group of parents, caregivers and others in the parenting role working together to advocate for our children, build leadership skills, increase awareness of community resources and empower young children and families in Calhoun Area.

Parents Connecting

WHO we are

  • The Great Start Parent Connection is part of the Great Start Collaborative. We are a
    group of parents, caregivers, and others in the parenting role of children from prenatal
    to 12 years old who live in Calhoun Area.

WHY we do what we do

  • The early years of life are the most important for learning and
    parents are the first teachers of their children.
  • Each parent has skills to learn and teach and needs support from
    other parents.
  • Strengthening and empowering families results in a better future
    for parents, children and our whole community.

HOW we do it

  • Building relationships.
  • Promoting parent learning and parent leadership.
  • Keeping our Parent Connection open, self-motivated and diverse.
  • Opening spaces for children to be listened to and being their
    advocates within the early childhood system.
  • Increasing awareness of community resources and services for

WHAT we do

  • Meet monthly and work on parenting skills and leadership.
  • Share with other parents about what we do and learn, and what
    community resources are available.
  • Participate in Early Childhood committees throughout Calhoun.

Our Parent Connection meetings

What do they look like?

Our meetings are great opportunities to connect, work and learn. They are open to every parent, grandparent, foster parent, guardian or caregiver of children, from prenatal to 12 to years old.


An important part of the Parent Connection is in its name. When parents connect with other parents and share victories and struggles, they understand they are not alone in this journey! This is a great opportunity for parents to get to know each other and have meaningful conversations over a light dinner. During this time kids have their meal with our childcare providers.


The second part of our meetings is work! Parents share what is going on in the different early childhood committees in which they participate. Our community values parents’ voices and committees are eager to hear parents’ feedback on the different early childhood initiatives that are taking place in Calhoun Area.


Parenting is a continuous learning process! As parents, we are always adapting because as our children grow, we need to learn how to parent a child who is unique and always changing at the same time. Our meetings explore different topics important to parents, often within the Strengthening Families framework as we seek to make strong families by applying the Five Protective Factors in our daily lives.


Please contact or connect through
Help Me Grow for more information!

Great Start Parent Coalition-Calhoun    (GSPC)

Purpose: To work together to build and enhance the local early childhood system to achieve better outcomes for young children prenatal to age eight and their families.

Vision: To create a community in which children are born healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth through 3rd grade while supporting families in raising children who are prepared to succeed in school and in life.

Mission: To empower families to increase awareness, expand points of view, and inspire action within the early childhood system.


Preschool Resources

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Parent Resources

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Calhoun Local Resources

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